Saturday, December 2, 2017

PPIW 2.0 : Home (for) initiatives and innovation

It is time to implement the (policy and governance) science or to play people-policy interface.

Menimba ilmu di rantau, memupuk rasa rindu terhadap tanah air. Maka dari itu, kemudian rasa sepenanggungan ini membuat mahasiswa Indonesia di luar negeri berkumpul di bawah 'Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia' (PPI). PPI Wageningen berdiri (PPIW) sejak 1987, banyak hal telah dicapai untuk memberikan 'rumah' bagi para perantau pelajar Indonesia, dan juga kontribusi lainnya bagi Indonesia serta komunitas lain di sekitar Wageningen.

Global change membuat fungsi PPIW juga terus bertransformasi, tak hanya sebagai 'paguyuban' Indonesia, tapi juga bisa menjadi hub bagi ide-ide inovasi para mahasiswa Indonesia, untuk menjadi cikal bakal 'think tank' bagi isu strategis di tanah air dan membuka potensi untuk kerjasama internasional (Fig 1). Transformasi ini yang diharapkan menjadi PPIW 2.0.

Figure 1. Integrated programmes

Social innovation for energy transition

Last month, Ignasius Jonan, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources released the statement that Indonesia may not be able to achieve target for the energy mix 2025. He said that existing policies are already more than enough to attract investor, but the problem is competition with traditional fuels which is comparatively cheaper. He also argued that despite the price is lower and the technology is available, the development of renewable energy would still take time. Then what we can do to contribute to the acceleration of the renewable energy transition?
Beside economic issues, societal acceptance topic is also important in the renewable energy transition. The energy transition includes macro-level innovations that often consist of a series of technological advancements. This is usually followed by changes in societies, their economic and social domains. Therefore, it requires social innovation.