Sunday, October 7, 2018
Indonesian Journal of Energy: Vol 1 No 2 (2018)
I published two papers in the Indonesian Journal of Energy: Vol 1 No 2 (2018). The first paper is entitled; Enabling Community Participation for Social Innovation in the Energy Sector; and the second one is Multiple Challenges and Opportunities for Biogas Dissemination in Indonesia.
Full papers can be downloaded through this link;
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Pembangunan (lingkungan) berkelanjutan di Indonesia
Memperingati Hari lingkungan hidup, sejumlah kalangan aktif melakukan berbagai kegiatan bertema ramah lingkungan; rendah emisi, hemat energi, kurangi polusi dan bersih sampah. Semua kegiatan tersebut berpayung pada visi global pembangunan berkelanjutan. Selama empat dekade terakhir, Indonesia telah menjadi mitra dunia untuk aksi lingkungan.
Tahun 1987, PBB
merilis ide tentang pembangunan berkelanjutan sebagai respon terhadap krisis lingkungan. Indonesia mendukung ide
tersebut sejak satu dekade sebelumnya. Tahun 1978, Indonesia membentuk
Kementerian Pengawasan Pembangunan dan Lingkungan, enam tahun setelah
Konferensi Stockholm tentang Lingkungan. Sejak itu, manajemen lingkungan telah
menjadi bagian dari program pembangunan di Indonesia. Hari ini, kementerian
tersebut menjadi Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) dan bertugas
sebagai badan koordinasi untuk manajemen lingkungan dan pembangunan
berkelanjutan dari berbagai sektor.
Pada Rio Earth
Summit (RES) 1992, Indonesia kembali hadir dan mendukung Agenda pembangunan
berkelanjutan dalam memastikan bahwa tujuan ekonomi, lingkungan dan sosial
bangsa saling terkait secara keseluruhan. Setelah RES, Indonesia mulai
menerapkan prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam agenda pembangunan nasional.
Tahun 1997, Indonesia meraih sejumlah pencapaian melalui implementasi Konvensi
Keanekaragaman Hayati, Perubahan Iklim dan Prinsip-Prinsip Konservasi Hutan.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
What do Journalists need to write powerful stories about Climate Change?
I have been working in the last four years on the topic of
climate change. I found that many
journalists have been telling people about the effects of climate change, such
as the rise of temperatures, chaos in weather patterns, and drought that causes
crop failures. Then these stories are used to be followed with the sentences; “we
need to take action seriously towards reduction and reversal of global warming”
Many articles
only showed the problems from climate change with general or wide coverage,
such as sea level rise and drought. Telling these stories make people think
that “the climate change problem is really big and nothing I may be able to do
to solve it”. Some people even think that the problem is exaggerated.
Now I am studying this hottest environmental topic in the best university for environmental science. I found that climate change is a statistical phenomenon that is difficult to be experienced directly, it presents a unique challenge for the human brain. Showing people long-term trends in the average global temperature simply does not carry the same weight in their decisions as the type of strong emotional reactions formed through (negative) experiences. Affective cues—fast and associative judgments of things people like and dislike—are formed through everyday experiences, and they help people make judgments and decisions, especially about risks. People brains are equipped with a biologically hard-wired alarm system that motivates responses to immediate environmental threats. The problem is that because they cannot readily see, hear, or experience the risk of climate change, so their risk warning system is not activated. So, how the journalists can activate it?
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